Write Your Name in Runes: Convert Letters to Runic Symbols

The Rune Converter transforms Roman alphabet, as used in modern English, into five systems of Germanic runic writing: Elder Futhark, Anglo-Saxon runes, Long Branch Younger Futhark, Short Twig Younger Futhark and staveless runes (note that it does not translate the words themselves, it only converts letters into runes). A possibility to choose between these allows to establish a connection with a certain bloodline, tradition or historical period: for instance, if one wishes to emphasize the Viking connection, why use the Elder Futhark, if Vikings did not use it? One should choose between one of the Younger Futhark options instead.

Note that the present converter works with modern English only. Letters with Old Norse (or any other) diacritics will not be converted into runes.

Got Old Norse Word or Phrase to Convert Into Runes?

Here is the guide that will help: How to Write in Old Norse With Futhark Runes. Convert Old Norse texts manually, the choice of runes depends on grammar.

What Types of Runes Are Supported?

  • Elder Futhark is the most ancient Germanic runic alphabet that was in use from the 2nd to 8th centuries by all Germanic tribes. This system of runic writing has a very peculiar and complex inner structure.
  • Anglo-Saxon Futhorc.
  • Long Branch variant of the Younger Futhark, also known as Danish runes, is the normal or standard representation of the Younger Futhark, which began to develop at the end of the 8th century and was accepted by the 10th century in the whole of Scandinavia.
  • Short Twig variant of the Younger Futhark is also known as Rök runes. It was used in Norway and Sweden along with the Long Branch variant that was more characteristic for Denmark.
  • Staveless or Hälsinge runes were used only in a restricted area and may be a good example of minimalism. They also may be interpreted as a secret writing system.

What To Write With Runes?

Viking runes

Perhaps the most obvious idea is to write with runes one’s own name. For more creative solutions and complex phrases one may find helpful to read about the magic runes or runic love quotes. Note that Scandinavians had a tradition to write with runes various Latin sentences.

Before You Ask a Question in the Comments Section Below

Make sure you checked the following articles:

How to Write in Norse Runes
How to Write A Name in Runes for a Tattoo
How to Translate into Runes Correctly
How to Write an Authentic Runic Inscription
Should I Write in Runes Phonetically?

Please do not post requests to translate anything into Old Norse. This page is about how to convert letters into runes, not about how to translate from English into ancient languages.

Waiver of Liability

Keep in mind that computer generated texts should be used with caution for any permanent use like tattoos or engravings. This tool is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind.

892 comments… add one
  • Jordan

    I am looking to get a tattoo in futhark. It would say ‘who are you that I must bow so low’ but to my understanding this wouldn’t be possible using younger futhark simply because there is not enough letters in that alphabet. But also in elder futhark there is no letter ‘y’ so I could not have the word ‘you’. My question is, is there a way around this or would I have to change the words I am using?

    Thank you!

    • Cody W Sisco

      The J/Yera rune acts as both “J” as well as “Y.”

  • Damion

    Hey i wanted to get a tattoo of “Courage comes from who believes they can” but I don’t know which would be easier to use Old Norse or Short Twig


    • Viking Rune

      Hello Damion. Old Norse is a language, Short Twig is a variant of the Younger Futhark, which is a rune set that was used during the Viking Age.

  • Luke

    I am looking to get Ragnarök translated. What would be the correct method?
    Many Thanks

  • Nicholas Bellock

    Looking to get a tattoo around Old Norse myth, specifically Yggdrasil. Was wondering what time period in Norse mythology from the creation of Yggdrasil, I’ve mostly seen 13th century but I trust your opinion more than my own on the topic, since I want Yggdrasil on my forearm, with runes spelling “endure” underneath, but not quite sure what time period to go for. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Nicholas. Eddas were written down in the 13th century indeed. However, the material itself is much older, at least dating back to thee Viking Age. I am not sure I quite get your question as for the time period in Norse mythology from the creation of Yggdrasil. What do you mean by that?

  • Sylvain

    Pour le français, quelles runes utiliser pour les sons é ai et ê. Je souhaite me tatouer la phrase d’Odin, “Moi-même à moi-même donné, A cet arbre Dont nul ne sait D’où proviennent les racines.

    • Viking Rune

      Bonjour Sylvain. La même rune que pour e.

  • Dylan Leblanc

    Bonsoir j’aimerais une phrase en ” vieux futhark ” en tatouage et je voudrais savoir par rapport à votre traducteur au dessus si c’est fiable ? Merci

    • Viking Rune

      Bonsoir Dylan. Ça ne marche pas avec le Français. Écrivez votre phrase ici, je tâcherai de vous aider.

      • Dylan Leblanc

        Ma phrase serait la suivante

        ” Parmi les anges tu erres dans mon coeur “

        • Lorraine

          Rough translation into English: “Among the angels you roam in my heart,” or “You roam among the angels in my heart”

        • Viking Rune

          Étant donné que la phrase ne contient pas de mots avec des accents, le convertisseur va marcher parfaitement bien avec elle, excepté le mot “anges”. Pour le vieux futhark il est programmé de changer ces deux lettres en une seule rune pour le son anglais [ŋ]. Tapez donc “an ges” et éliminez le blanc dans le résultat en runes. Nota bene: le convertisseur ne traduit pas votre phrase. Il change les lettres en runes nordiques.

          • Dylan Leblanc

            Merci pour votre réponse mais j’ai pas bien compris lol

            Vous me suggérer de remplacer le mot “anges ” par ” un ges ” puis une fois traduit enlever l’espace entre les deux mots ?

            Et donc je suis obliger de traduire ma phrase en anglais avant de traduire en vieux futhark ?

            • Dylan Leblanc

              Par le mot ” un ges ”

              Pardon j’écris sur téléphone

            • Viking Rune

              Exactement. Vous remplacez “anges” par “an ges” et alors vous enlevez l’espace. Tout cela si votre phrase est en Français. Si elle est en Anglais, pas de manipulations additionnelles.

  • Angelina

    I’m looking for the opposite of what you have on this site, but you have so much good info on here I’m hoping you can help me! I have a pendant I bought at an antique shop that has what I’m pretty sure are runes stamped on the back. I’m having trouble translating them though. Any ideas of where to go for help? Thanks!

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Angelina. You may want to post a photo on our Facebook page. I will be glad to help.

  • Sath

    Hi Viking Rune!

    Fantastic site, so much to learn and go through.

    I have a question though.

    I was going to get rune tattooed on my forearm but I want to be sure what i am writing, and i want to have the same rune type that vikings used which i assume is Long Branch, though i see most symbols in games (Too Human) is using elder Futhark runes.

    Now I want to translate “Strength comes from courage” but I dont know if i should type it in english and let the translator do the work or I should use old norse words of that phrase and then translate it into runes?
    And which one you is better in your opinion that is closer to vikings yet traditional, Long Brand or Elder Futhark?

    Much appreciate it and keep on the great work!

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Sath. Both long branch and short twig runes are local variations of the Younger Futhark runes that were in use during the Viking Age in Scandinavia and elsewhere. The Elder Futhark was invented at an earlier stage in history, when all Germanic peoples understood each other well and could have a common writing sustem. Then the Old Norse language came into being as opposed to western Germanic languages and the eastern Germanic (Gothic) language. The phonological system of Old Norse changed as compared to the earlier (Proto-Norse) stage of the language, and someone reformed the runic system, bringing considerable simplification.
      You may well keep your phrase in English and use the converter above for it. Translating it into Old Norse and then writing in runes will be a much more complex task, requiring a lot of research and skill.

      • Sath

        Okay thanks for clearing it up!

        I took Long Branch and typed it in english and got my result. I guess its the closest thing to non super-duper skill translation.

        I also prefer Long Branch than Short Twig because of the symbols themselves. I prefer how Long Branch looks like.

        • Viking Rune

          You are welcome Sath.

  • blake

    hello I am getting a tattoo soon with the words “jag vill leva, jag vill do i norden” in elder futhark. Could someone give me some tips? I’m not sure if the translation i got from the generator is correct. should there be spaces in between the words?

    thank you

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Blake. The disclaimer right above the converter states: Note that the present converter works with modern English only. Your phrase is not in English. As for the spaces between the words in runic inscriptions, usually there were not any. Sometimes dots or combinations of dots were used to mark the spots where one word ended and another began.

  • Ryan

    I have read through all of your posts and pages. I have a highly complex Norse mythology tattoo on my shoulder. Now my understanding is that there is no actual word for warrior/hero. Is this true? I was military so I really want something warrior based in runes. Thanks!

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Ryan. The Old Norse word for ‘warrior’ is drengr (also rekkr). The Old Norse word for ‘hero’ is hǫldr (also halr, kappi, ǫldungr and seggr).

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