Valknut: A Norse Viking Symbol

The word valknut is a neologism: it is formed in modern times through combination of ON valr, ‘the dead’ or ‘the slain’ and knut, ‘knot’. Valknut is a Viking symbol of three interconnected triangles. The triangles may be joined in two ways: either as Borromean:


or unicursal:


Note that other types of valknuts, such as closed three-link chain, never occur in the original Viking ornaments. One should keep that in mind when using the valknut in Viking tattoos or runic tattoos, since only the above two designs are genuine Viking valknuts. Consider the Borromean triangles type, which occurs on the Stora Hammar rune stone.

Stora Hammar runestone

Here above the valknut we see a raven, Odin’s symbol. Below the valknut is probably a burial mound. A dead warrior is put there by someone with a spear and accompanied by another raven. The spear is probably Gungnir, Odin’s weapon. The other sign of Odin’s presence is a warrior hanged on a tree to the left of the mound. All the symbols around the valknut, which is in the central position here, point to death and to Odin as a god of slain warriors.

The unicursal type of valknut (which can be drawn with one stroke) appears on Tängelgarda stone:


Other instances of the valknut in Viking ornaments are Lärbro stone, River Nene ring and a bedpost found on the Oseberg ship.

However, knot of the slain is not the only possible interpretation of the valknut. It is also called Hrungnir’s heart. This name is based on a description found in the Prose Edda:

“Hrungnir had a heart that was famous. It was made of hard stone with three sharp-pointed corners just like the carved symbol Hrungnir’s Heart (hrungnishjarta).”

The original meaning and function of the valknut is not wholly clear. The number three is a very common magic symbol in many cultures. However, in Scandinavian context three multiplied by three might designate the nine worlds, which are united by the Yggdrasil tree. In modern times Valknut, like Triquetra and Horn Triskelion, is often interpreted as a symbol pointing to heathen convictions.

Copyright notice: Valknut images above are by © The Viking Rune. Images of Stora Hammar and Tängelgarda stones are public domain.

163 comments… add one
  • brandon

    Would this be an ideal tattoo to represent a passed away family member? I’ve been told that this represnts the 9 worlds and the afterlife? Am I correct?


    • Viking Rune

      Hello Brandon. Yes, sometimes Valknut is interpreted as a representation of nine worlds. However we have no evidence dating back to the Viking Age.


    Some people seem to be bandying about the VALKNUT as if it were a “happy face” from the seventies…!!! (Although it’s association with war and death, and especially ODIN himself shows its more serious aspect…) Everyone needs to remember that this symbol is tied to ODIN, the all father himself… If you examine the history books, you’ll find that THOR was much more popular with the average Norseman as opposed to ODIN. Why is this so?… If you’re a HEATHEN (Pagan, Wiccan, whatever word you choose…) like I am, you’ll find that each deity has certainn”VIBRATIONS”, that you can feel, THOR was every man’s god, if you had crops to plow, a family to feed, if the weather needed to be changed (Especially the Weather…), if you were a foot soldier (as opposed to a Warlord, or Village Chieftain…), then you called upon THOR…. The average Norseman did NOT trust ODIN… ODIN worship was usually performed by village CHIEFTAINS, WAR-LEADERS, SKALDS (This is especially appropriate, as poetic/skaldic inspiration was said to be a kind of madness given to man by the gods, especially from ODIN, and as for BERSERKERS, the battle fury they attained in ecstatic state was DEFINITELY linked to ODIN…) ODIN worship was usually linked to EXTREME STRESS AND/OR INSPIRATION UNDER EXTREME DURESS… Even in ASATRU, ODINISM is considered to be a tad extreme, If you’re an ODINIST (Like I am…) it involves FASTING (Sometimes for several days at a time, NOT some wimpy B.S…. like going without lunch, or occasionally SKIPPING DINNER, or other such lightweight antics…) Extreme physical fitness, Martial Arts, Survival training (Of an interesting note, ASATRU has more SURVIALISTS, WEAPONS EXPERTS, MARTIAL ARTISTS, and other such people of the same ilk, than any other type of PAGANISM anywhwere…. Interesting, no???) Why is this so???… Take a wild guess, this is the result of the ODINIC influence (I’ve even heard that some Norse groups even have a SPACE GUILD… And it just so happens that the GERMANS were the first to launch V-1 AND V-2 intercontennental ballistic missiles, in fact, our SPACE PROGRAM comes from WHO???… WERNER VON BRAUN… Another GERMAN!!!… Coincidence right???) The combative nature of RAGNAROK places a warlike emphasis (One of the reasons why I’m into WARGAMMING…) on all things…. Hence, ODIN’S extreme nature…. As for the VALKNUT itself, I would urge EXTREME CAUTION when dealing with the VALKNUT (In fact, One of the best websites I’ve seen,”SUNNYWAYS RUNES.COM”, Has a DISCLAIMER warning about the casual use of the VAKNUT… You have been warned…. DEATHSKULL

    • Gally

      In response to “Deathskull”…

      People give power to symbols, and people can view symbols differently. One person’s Satanic pentacle is another person’s spiritual pentacle.

      I’ve met some Asatruar who believe the valknut is a symbol of some sort of “death pact” with Odin; if you wear it, you are pledging your soul to Odin so that he can take it at any time to fight in Ragnarok. Then again, these same people told me I couldn’t be Asatruar because I’m half Asian and ignored my Caucasian half.

      I and many others do not believe this interpretation of the valknut. I see it as a symbol for the nine worlds, the stages of life, and most of all, the sacrifice of brave fallen soldiers. My husband is in the military and wants to get this tattooed on him because he understands the sacrifice soldiers make for family, for justice, for peace. People often forget that the point of fighting is to bring peace, so this whole “warrior society” thing you’ve got going is just taking the symbol way out of context. Not everyone believes Odin is going to ride out of the sky on Sleipnir and pierce your heart if you have the valknut tattooed on you.

      Of course, this symbol is thousands of years old. We’ll probably never know for sure what it meant to the people of that age; but again, people give power to symbols and meanings can change with each generation. The sun wheel is just one example of how symbols and their meanings change over time. So let’s leave extremist ideas out of this.

      • Biörn

        Well said

      • tigger

        Verrry well said ,extremists do tend to go overboard, and like you said every symbol has a different meaning to the individual, as for me I am descendent from Norse Heritage and I for one like to do my homework and learn as much as I can before I start spouting, and what does the Germans launching rockets to kill, have to do with the symbol that represents the sacrifice of the fallen soldier, which is what I thought was the meaning behind the Valknut, according to the description above.

        • Daniel Lauritzen

          Also.. just to point out… Odin wasnt “the all father” … he had 2 brothers, all sons of Bor and Bestla.. They together created the world (ours..) – and man.. but thats about it. Im happy about it btw ;)

          The all father is, by my oppinion, is Ymer. All hail Ymer :D

  • bonehill

    It is felt that the central image of the triangle presented point up has male (phallic) symbolism and the point facing down the feminine principle (womb) . Combined together in binary form creates the six pointed star,the pyramid is the ultimately stable form,don`t you think?

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Bonehill. This is a possible interpretation.



  • damon

    Both Borromean and unicursal appear pointing down in both stones. The depictions above the stones point up. I wonder if there is a relevance to pointing down.

    • Eric

      I have heard many different answers to this question. Wether pointed UP or DOWN the universal interpretation remains the same: That is, the nine worlds; the cycle of life and death; NNV, among others. However, my understanding and postulation of UP and DOWN is indifferent: UP would represent the ascension from Midgard to Asgard post a warriors death. Also in rites, to honor Odin and acknowledge his vibration as a deity. The knowing he’s upon us without real interaction. DOWN would symbolize sacrifice, magick, wisdom, etc. The attributes Odin endeavored hanging up side down from the worlds tree. Ritually, DOWN would mean a CALL to Odin to be personally with or/among you. In short, UP or DOWN is a matter of ones intent, either way has a positive vibration. There is no godly nefarious consequence if one should tatt this symbol. The only peril is the spread of ignorance and extremist views. Of couse, This is my OPINION!!!!

  • todd kitchner

    the climb to spiritual bliss,,or,, #9 we would call it the Christ plane ,,the highest spiritual realm on earth,,,aka heaven on earth unfolding,,,like what is happening now with the year 2012 coming,,,a great change of leadership and energies,,old control changing along with major earth changes like we have alreaDY SEEN ,,Earthquakes,volcanoes etc,,,, try to change your diet to less animal produts and pay attention to your dreams,,,,do unto others,,,godd luck on your spiritual flight,,,,Lord Kitchner

    • Viking Rune

      That sounds like a possible interpretation.

  • Todd Kitchner

    good knowledge,,,looking for more info and exact meanings,,also wolfs,,,the 9 sides of the valknut also as said is the higher spiritual world in wich they are waiting and willing it to come to earth!!!!

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Todd. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Dr. Baron Von Evil Satan

    Thanks for the info, my family roots are all Dutch/German and I have strongly embraced my Nordic ancestry, so I’ve decided that when I can afford it, I’m going to get either one of the Valknuts tattooed on the back of my right hand, and may draw up a tattoo for my back of Odin on his throne with the twin ravens and wolves at his side.

  • Bert

    I read in some places that the Valknut is a symbol of the nine worlds connecting at the tree of Yggdrasil and was wondering if you had any commment on that, because I’d like to clear up my understanding of the Valknut symbol.

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Bert,

      This is a possible interpretation, but I am not aware of any ancient source that would have it. Therefore it is not mentioned in the present article.

  • Davinport

    Thinking of getting a valknut tattooed on my wrist can you suggest a reputable artist in Phila. that specializes in Norse symbolism.

    • Viking Rune

      Hello Davinport. I don’t know if there is a reputable tattoo artist in this area. May be someone from the community here can help.

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